Welcome to my Blog

Hey Everyone! So with this Blog I want to do a few things; keep you up-to-date on the going on's of GoodNews Church's Worship team and other church related events, post message notes, general thoughts and God inspired thoughts and anything else that effects my life. Please feel free to read and comment at your will. Lk


Thursday, August 26, 2010


Having grown up in the Church and in that time experienced hundreds of communion services I have often wondered about the necessity of using the exact symbols of bread and wine to represent Christ’s Body and Blood. I think it has been assumed that those were the emblems used in biblical times which has then shaped communion services around the world for many centuries.

Sadly, I think the constant repetition of these symbols has caused a loss in value and appreciation to the life which they represent. I know from personal experience the distraction I receive when either playing with my piece of bread or placing bets on whether the grape juice will be in or out of date.

Acts 42:2
"they devoted themselves... to the breaking of bread..."
Reflecting on communion in the bible I encountered that in the early church it involved meals and a public remembrance of Christ as the participants began to eat. This involved telling the gospel to those who had not yet heard, accompanying Christ’s message of love with physical actions- feeding the hungry.

If we look at the culture here in Australia it is quite obvious that a strong café culture has taken root, I myself love the idea of meeting up with friends at the local coffee house to eat and chat. And I have seen first hand the community and friendship that a cup of coffee brings about.

This has caught my attention and caused me to look at the similarities of the coffee cup and side of banana bread with that of the traditional bread and wine. Imagine sharing communion around the coffee table! This would have massive implications for us if we endeavored to give it ago, because it takes the Church from its ‘holy huddle’ and gets us out in the streets of the community that we are supposed to be impacting.

. . . .

Imagine for a second: You and a group of friends head to your local coffee house. After ordering and before you devour the food before you, you take the time to reflect on the story of Jesus Christ. You pick up a small piece of banana bread and explain how Jesus went to the Cross, how he was bruised and beaten. Even though he was innocent he allowed the sins of human kind to rest upon Him, he died the death we deserved. Next you all pick up your coffee and in a ‘cheers’ like manner you raise them together to have the story of Jesus’ resurrection told, that His blood purchased our freedom and washes away our sins.

. . . .

Let me tell you that in a coffee house nothing is kept secret and I’m sure that by now you would have attracted the attention of others in the room, if you play your cards right this could very well lead you to being able to explain your actions and ultimately the Gospel to those inquiring.

I still think Communion is relevant within our Church services, but let's not restrict it to the four walls of the building. This kind of application can be made to any kind of meal at any point of the day, so why not even give it ago next time you dig into a bowl of wheatbix?

Have you ever tried something like this?

I definitely look forward to giving this ago.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Sunday 22/08/10

AM setlist:
You- Hillsong
Happy Day- Tim Hughes
Awakening- Chris Tomlin

NEW SONG as an item
God Is Love- Hillsong

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sunday 15/08/10


There's Freedom- Planet Shakers
More than Me- GoodNews
Yahweh- Hillsong
Forever Reign- Hillsong/ One Sonic Society

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Something Quick

I've just had one of those days where I felt like God was speaking to me every second.

It started off in a class called 'Minor Prophets' in which we are studying the 12 minor prophets of the Old Testament. Of course this class has lead to the discussion of prophecy and what that looks like in our modern day context.
We've mentioned that prophecy holds elements which are painful, as it is a reality check to something you may need to correct, but also reassuring and inspiring, letting us know we have the ability to change and see God's power move.

And so just like that I felt God put on my heart these words;
"Take the doors off their hinges, you've made it too hard for people to enter into the Church..."

Shortly after in chapel we sang the old Delirious song 'Did you feel the mountains tremble' which has these words in the chorus;
"Open up the Doors, Let the music play, let the streets resound with singing..."

Church we've got to open our doors and let the sound of forgiveness, grace and love flow into the streets so that every person may have the opportunity to hear and respond.

Access to God is not something you work hard or pay for. Christians should know this best.
We need to stop making it seem so hard for those who haven't received salvation yet, making out that they need to get their life right before God will give them a chance.
We need to open our doors (not just of the church building but also our hearts) and let the powerful sound of forgiveness flow.

This was longer then I anticipated.