I haven't blogged for quite some time other than posting set lists for our Sunday services, so it's been sitting on my list of things to do for awhile and finally I find myself by the computer with something to say.
Speaking on the topic of idol worship Psalms says this:
Scripture points to the stupidity of worshiping a man-made idol over the Sovereign God.
I mean seriously, after viewing all the wonders of God at the Red Sea, manna being provided daily, fire by night and clouds by day, not to mentions other countless miracles God performed for the Israelites you can forgive the author for sounding slightly short in this verse, because surely they knew the supreme power of Yahweh over some created and fashioned statue.
Speaking on the topic of idol worship Psalms says this:
Ps 135:16-18
'They have mouths, but cannot speak,
eyes, but cannot see.
They have ears, but cannot hear,
nor is there breath in their mouths.
Those who make them will be like them,
and so will all who trust in them."
Scripture points to the stupidity of worshiping a man-made idol over the Sovereign God.
I mean seriously, after viewing all the wonders of God at the Red Sea, manna being provided daily, fire by night and clouds by day, not to mentions other countless miracles God performed for the Israelites you can forgive the author for sounding slightly short in this verse, because surely they knew the supreme power of Yahweh over some created and fashioned statue.
You become like the thing you worship.
This has never been any less or more true for this current age. We become like the things we worship. Granted there are not a thousand other 'statue gods' vying for our attention, but there are countless other distractions which have subtly taken the place of formal gods and are just as dangerous and lifeless.
If you worship Vanity you'll become Hollow
If you worship Platform you'll become a Statue
If you worship Technology you'll become Obsolete
If you worship Status you'll become Irrelevant
If you worship Materialism you'll Decay
If you worship Titles you'll become Stuck
If you worship Pleasure you'll become Dissatisfied
If you worship Approval you'll be Rejected
If you worship Recognition you'll become Anonymous
If you worship Power you'll become Flat
If you worship Ministry you'll be Overextended
If you worship Opportunities you'll Burn-out
If you worship Knowledge you'll become Unapproachable
If you worship GOD you'll become Alive.
God is to be worshiped, and worshiped only.
Every other man made thing will decay, expire and lead to death. God, the source of Life, offers the key to Life as we conform our image to His.
You are being made into an image, who's?