Welcome to my Blog

Hey Everyone! So with this Blog I want to do a few things; keep you up-to-date on the going on's of GoodNews Church's Worship team and other church related events, post message notes, general thoughts and God inspired thoughts and anything else that effects my life. Please feel free to read and comment at your will. Lk


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Possess and Pass On

We've been talking about this a lot lately as a Worship team, the idea of 'possessing' and then 'passing on' the Presence of God. And the implications it has with our duties as the leaders of our Sunday Worship moments.

1 Chronicles 28:8 says;
"...be careful to follow the commands of the Lord Your God, that you may Possess this good land and Pass it on as an inheritance to your descendants forever..."

The context is simple, Israel are the recent inheritors to the fine land God had promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God is now issuing them an instruction to follow His commands so that they can continue to pass on the land not only promised, but now inhabited to the generations to come.
God is in the habit of calling one generation to work their butts off, to possess and conquer a land so that the following generations can enjoy and continue to inhabit it.
He's not in the business of giving an inheritance to one Generation and then kicking the next out.

The Israelites also had a firm connection between being in the land and being in the Presence of God. This is later confirmed when they are no longer living in the land but in Exile after disobeying and turning away from God. They knew that they were now outside proper relationship with God and His presence.

So what does this all have to do with a worship team?
My thoughts are this...

As a team it is our duty to prepare, to work for, to build, to put in the effort, to pray up, read up, and seek the heart of God for what He would do in our services. We do this so that when we step up to the platform we are in a position of having already 'possessed' an element of His presence, which we can confidently lead our congregation into, to then 'pass it on' to them.

It's as if, knowing the route to a location on a map, we stand at the head of the bush track ushering the Church along the way offering guidance and support, 'here you go... this way..' 
It is our knowledge of already having 'possessed' the location that gives us confidence as we lead. Likewise our confidence will increase as we lead the direction of our worship moments if we are already prepared.

I remember moments, those fatal moments, when I lead our team and Church through a set list that I was unfamiliar with and had not yet sought God for His direction. I'd love to say it only happened once, but you know that's not true.

Yes God is faithful, and at the end of the day He will speak to His people no matter what mess your in, but how much more exciting when you've sought and fought for a revelation that God wanted to show His Church during a time of worship and through your preparation that message was passed onto the Church.

I've learned my lesson, from now on I'll be seeking to 'possess and pass on' when it comes to leading worship.
