Welcome to my Blog

Hey Everyone! So with this Blog I want to do a few things; keep you up-to-date on the going on's of GoodNews Church's Worship team and other church related events, post message notes, general thoughts and God inspired thoughts and anything else that effects my life. Please feel free to read and comment at your will. Lk


Sunday, October 4, 2009


This is the message I preached at youth this week... hope you like.

Jeremiah 29:7 (That's right not vs11!!!)
"Seek the Peace and Prosperity of the City... Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper."

It is also repeated in the New Testament, 1 Thes 5:17, "Pray LOTS" (my paraphrase)... God calls us to Prayer.
Truthfully, I think were good at praying. Be it; 'God I want that puppy, God protected me, God please make me rich, God make this person in front of me drive faster, God get my parents off my back or God I want, I want, I want...'

Now contextually this verse is set right after the Israelites have been carried off into exile in Babylon and God responds to their situation not by asking them to pray redemption, not to pray about the cities demise or even against the Babylonian King. He simply asks them to PRAY FOR.
To Pray for the City.

In true God style, He asks for the thing that is most opposite to our natural reaction.

In our present day situation we probably aren't 'in exile' exactly but we may be at a place in our lives where we are not really happy with our situation or our superiors whether it's our teachers, bosses, parents or any kind of authority.
And I truely believe God would speak to you about that situation and say 'instead of praying against your situation, PRAY FOR.'

I mentioned on friday night, that the sure way to see your prayers answered is to pray the exact prayer God wants you to pray. Then He'll answer.
So maybe the reason why your not seeing this situation go away in your life, is because your praying the wrong prayer.

Try stop praying 'about' or even 'against' and start praying FOR your situation...
I truely believe that as you do you will see answers to your prayers.

And as we know by finishing off the verse...
'if it (your Situation) prospers, you to will prosper.'
