Welcome to my Blog

Hey Everyone! So with this Blog I want to do a few things; keep you up-to-date on the going on's of GoodNews Church's Worship team and other church related events, post message notes, general thoughts and God inspired thoughts and anything else that effects my life. Please feel free to read and comment at your will. Lk


Sunday, January 31, 2010

Marching On

Just remembered that I haven't posted a thing about the Churches 30Yr Anniversary we had back on the 17th of January.
10am. We began the morning with P&W, of course, with a mix of original songs from Church members over the years and finished with 'How Great is Our God.'
What a Blast that was! So Loud!
10.20am. After a big Welcome from Ps Sam and a great poem from Niki Glover we had a special item from the Worship team, 'This is Home' by Switchfoot, and boy the song seemed to fit the situation so perfectly.
10:45am. Right before the sermon a short recap video of photos from 30 years of church life played and then Ps Pat took to the Pulpit and definitely preached her best message!
11:30am. We sang again and had a few Presentations for Ps Pat and Mum and Dad, which were Lovely.
11:50am. At the conclusion of the service we ate, talked, ate again and talked some more.
Lots of fun was had and now we gear up for an even better 30 more years!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sunday 31st Jan

Song List Am:
I Will Stand (Pour it out)- GoodNews
God One and Only- Hillsong
You Hold Me Now- Hillsong
Dwell in Me- GoodNews

Song List Pm:
Run- Hillsong
God One and Only- Hillsong
The Stand- Hillsong

See you Sunday!

P.s. It's Vision Sunday next week!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, January 11, 2010

For the Future

This Blog consists of the 'notes' from my sermon preached Sunday the 10th of Jan. You can get the MP3 @ http://www.goodnewschurch.org.au/record.html

Psalms 102:18

‘Let this be written for a future Generation, that a people not yet created may praise the Lord’

If I asked you to write something down on paper that brings Glory to God and then I placed it in a time capsule, to be opened in the future... what would you write?

In a time capsule kind of way the Psalmist continues: ‘the Lord looked down from His sanctuary on high, from heaven and he viewed earth.’ Not only did He view earth but He listened ‘to hear the groans of the prisoners and release those condemned to death.’

God Acted.

The context:

*This scripture most likely comes at a time of oppression by the Babylonians, and it is probable that it was written by four different authors who added to the psalm over a period of time.

*We know that Israel had a tough time with neighboring cities and nations spending a fair amount of it's history moving in and out of exile, oppression and war.

To write this statement then is to speak to a situation the writer knows his readers are either currently in or one day will find themselves in and he offers hope, reminding them of Gods favourable actions throughout history.

So we return to the opening sentence: 'Let this be written for a future generation not yet created' and I ask you:

What could you write, or better yet, how can you live in a way that will ultimately bring ‘a people not yet created’ into relationship with God?

What we do today, this week, this year will affect the future. Our actions effect a people not yet born.

NEW THOUGHT: Change happens, duh. But as we begin to understand the things that change in our lives it then becomes our responsibility to effect those changes.

There will be changes to governments, laws, and human rights, even things simple as trading hours, road rules, and train time tables (that's a story for another Blog). And with that knowledge it’s our responsibility to effect those changes so that they remain favourable to the Christian way of life.

Effect change, before change is badly effected.

It’s only been until recently that I’ve come to fully acknowledge my future and that it is heavily looming over me!

I’m sure that we are all at different stages in our future awareness, but today I want to draw out some ideas that will get our minds on the things ahead so that we can help Shape the Future.

1. Be Future Minded

To effectively change the future you need to be aware of it.

Prov 16:9 ‘A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.” The second part of the scripture gives no indication that making our own plans is wrong the thing is that if we are tuning our hearts to the beat of Gods, then our plans are going to be where God guides our steps anyways.

2. Be Future Focused

Ever seen me watching a movie? Try talk to me and I won’t hear a word coming out of your mouth because I will be so focused on the show.

In a similar sense we ought to get our attention on the future so that when present day struggles come to distract us we won't loose our Focus.

If we focus our attention on today, then we will get another day. But if we focus on the future, we will get a life time of influence.

True success is seen over a period of time and with great effort. Don’t be disappointed when the tomato plant doesn’t give you tomatoes after one day of being planted.

3. Be Future Orientated

If future minded is the thinking, and future focused is looking, then future orientation is the positioning.

Dictionary.com says: to direct or position toward a particular object, to adjust with relation to.

We need to adjust our lives with our futures in mind. We need to always be taking re-evaluations of our situation and seeing where we line up in terms of our goals. Position yourself for a Powerful Future.

4. Be Future Purposed

To know the Goal of the future.

Looking back to the scripture we see the ultimate goal is; that one day those who don't know God will come into relationship with Him.Our purpose as a Church is to introduce human kind to a Loving, caring God. A God who did in fact create them out of love and then purposed to be in relation with them.Everything we do we should be purposefully creating a future were people meet Jesus. Well that's it. Good on you if you made it to the end, was quite a big one.

Let's be praying for Salvation's and our Futures.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Just Grow Up

Hmm, so recently I was in a situation where someone much older than me acted in a very childish manner.
It was a moment where I felt self appointed to tell them to 'Grow Up!'
Of course I didn't out of respect, as I felt it was not my place to say so.
BUT I did however get challenged by the whole thing.

Every time I feel those words wanting to come out my mouth because of the childish or immature nature of someone else, it's actually a moment for me to 'Grow Up!'

The adult in this case was slightly out of line and when they had finished their spiel my mind ran rampant with ways I wished I could 'show them my side of the story' or 'teach them a lesson.'
I took a small moment to look at my response and saw some pretty immature, childish behaviour.
The very behaviour I had just been unimpressed by.
So instead of telling them all these wonderful things I had invented in my mind, I simply told myself to 'Just Grow Up.'
I had the chance to be the grown up in the situation.

It's funny because so many 'older people' in my life often tell me they don't feel old, they still feel like they were when they were a teenager.
I suppose that one day I too will be old, but still feeling like a teenager, and I guess like me, we all will continue to carry around with us those slight teenager/childish ways and will always need the reminder to 'Grow Up.'

I hope that my 'Grow Up' moments reduce with age and maturity, but still, I will use every moment of frustration, aggravation, outrage, anger and hurt inflicted by someone else as a chance for me to 'Just Grow Up.'