Welcome to my Blog

Hey Everyone! So with this Blog I want to do a few things; keep you up-to-date on the going on's of GoodNews Church's Worship team and other church related events, post message notes, general thoughts and God inspired thoughts and anything else that effects my life. Please feel free to read and comment at your will. Lk


Monday, January 31, 2011

Abound in Love

This week leading up to our first GEN night (Youth and Young adults) the team and I have decided to read through the book of Philippians and share our thoughts on what God is saying to us. I just finished the first chapter and really felt this verse stick out to me;
"And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight." 1:9 (find the full chapter here)

Basically it's saying that the more we learn about God, then the more in love we should fall with God and His people. When reading the bible and filling ourselves with its great revelations there is an opportunity for us to disconnect is contents with our actions and behaviors. We can learn so much that we get fed up with the world as it is and instead distance ourselves from it.
Likewise, I've experienced this in life when relating to people. I'm sure you can identify it in your life as well; the more we learn about someone, the more time we spend with them and the more we watch them in action, basically 'doing life' with each other. The more we will have an opportunity to see their flaws, failings and weaknesses.

We must not let this influx of information on a person, especially our Christian family, ruin the love that we have for them. Don't let the weakness or flaws of a friend stop you from growing in love with them.

As Christians our difference shouldn't be that we are perfect, but that we can have an abundance of LOVE for imperfect people.


Friday, January 28, 2011

30.01.11 Set list

Sunday AM
Undivided- C3
Sing Sing Sing- Chris Tomlin
Well is my Soul- C3
Jesus Messiah- Chris Tomlin

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Setlist 16/01/11

Sunday AM: Luke
Nothing is Impossible- Planetshakers
Giving it All Away- Hillsong United
Forever Reign- Sonic Society
Glory in the Highest- Chris Tomlin

Friday, January 7, 2011


Sunday AM: Luke
There's Freedom- Planetshakers
Open My Eyes- Hillsong
Believe- Hillsong
Awakening- Chris Tomlin

Sunday PM: Nikki
I'm Not Ashamed- Hillsong
How Great Thou Art- Traditional
The Greatness of Our God- Hillsong

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Posture (sermon notes)

Some Dictionary meanings for Posture include; the carriage of the body as a whole, and the mental or spiritual attitude.

Our physical posture will always reflect to some degree the posture of our spiritual state. This may manifest itself as an insecure person who constantly looks to the ground, or a confident person who struts into any room commanding respect. Our Posture or body language sends a message to those around us... if a picture paints a thousand words, then our posture is a novel.
Posture will even give someone away as lying, for instance they may say that they are fine, but the posture they assume displays a person hurting or disinterested.

In Chapter 1:27-8 of Ezekiel, we see the prophet standing before the "likeness of the glory of the LORD..." his first instinct, as with many other people who encountered God like this, is to fall to his knees before the Lord and plant his face on the ground showing his submission and worship of his King.

Like Ezekiel, our spiritual posture before God reveals two things about us;


It was clear that Ezekiel intended to worship the Lord by his posture, and that he expected the Lord to speak and reveal visions to him. 
Had he not had either of those intentions of expectations, the situation would have been dramatically different.

So ask you self, what does my posture reveal about my intentions and expectations?
As you live your life what do you Intend to give God and Expect to receive from Him?


Reading through the book of Daniel, we find him faced with a choice in 6:10-14 to adhere to local decrees which would have him only pray to the earthly king ruling at the time or ignore these decrees, risk his life and continue to pray to the True God.
Our intentions will often be challenged by our surrounding situations and we must ask ourselves, how much are we willing to sacrifice in order to worship God?
Daniel was intentional about praying to God, even at the risk of his life. 
Who is number one in your life?
Because the actions you take, and the posture you assume will be a dead give away to who your #1 is.

We need to act upon those intentions which are God honoring so that He may be made known. 


What are you expecting from God this year?
Your expectation of God will be seen in your posture.

Are you ready to receive blessings, insight, wisdom, knowledge, favour, and other privileges from God this year or have you lowered your expectation of what he can do?

Read Ephesians 3:20.
it says that God can do more... MORE.... than we could ever imaging. That means he can and will exceed our expectations.


How BIG is your ask?
Have you stopped asking for those big things becasue you lowered your expectation?
Does your posture before God reveal someone expecting an abundance of blessing and favour or are you closed off and hindering God's move in your life?

Let me encourage you to reposition yourself to be humbly submitted before God, showing him with your Posture that you INTEND to worship him with your whole life, and that you EXPECT him to exceed your greatest dreams.

When was the last time you found yourself on your knees, face to the ground before God?
Maybe its time to get on your knees before the Lord with an intention to worship and increase your expectation of what he will do in your life starting today.
