Welcome to my Blog

Hey Everyone! So with this Blog I want to do a few things; keep you up-to-date on the going on's of GoodNews Church's Worship team and other church related events, post message notes, general thoughts and God inspired thoughts and anything else that effects my life. Please feel free to read and comment at your will. Lk


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sunday 27/11

AM- Luke
The Difference- Hillsong
Nothing is impossible- Planetshakers
God is Able- Hillsong
Lost are Found- Hillsong

PM- Jess
There's Freedom- Planetshakers
Alive in Us- Hillsong
In the Highest- Citipointe

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sunday 20/11/11

Open my eyes in Ab
You in B
Jesus Messiah in G
Alive in Us in G

Your Name High in C
Light will Shine B
God is Able in E

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sunday 06/11/2011

AM Set List

You are Good- Bethel Music
Blessed be Your Name- Matt Redman
Greatness of Our God- Sonic Society
Alive in Us- Hillsong

In the Highest- Citipointe Live (in G)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sunday 30/10/11 Set List

Light will Shine- United
This is Love- Hillsong
Yahweh- Hillsong
Alive in Us- Hillsong

The Difference- Hillsong
Not ashamed- Hillsong
Well is my Soul- CCC

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sunday Setlist 02/10/11

AM- Luke Taylor
The Difference in C- Hillsong
God one and only in A- Hillsong
God is able in E- Hillsong 
Lost are found in E- Hillsong 

PM- Jess Lefterescu 
The Difference in C- Hillsong 
There's freedom in E- Planetshakers
This is our God in E- Hillsong

Thursday, August 11, 2011

PETER. my new favourite.

We recently finished up a series on Discipleship at Church. When I was preparing for my msg I did a quick skip through the book of John and looked at everything on Simon Peter.

He's now my favourite and here's why...

"I’m going out to fish,” Simon Peter told them, and they said, “We’ll go with you.” So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing. 

Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. He called out to them, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?” 
"No,” they answered. 
He said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish. 

Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, “It is the Lord,” he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water. 
The other disciples followed in the boat, towing the net full of fish, for they were not far from shore, about a hundred yards. - John 21:3-8

Peters Passion and Enthusiasm to be with Jesus at that point in time absolutely blows me away. I mean, he was only about a hundred yards, surely it wouldn't have been too terrible to help row the boat ashore and then go meet with Jesus.?
NO. He just had to get to Him right then and there.

It challenges me to think 'How desperate am I to get to Jesus?'
I know there are no physical oceans I can cross to get to him, but there are an array of Spiritual and metaphorical ones I could take a dive into.
Peter is the one stated as being the 'Rock' which Jesus would "Build (His) Church..." (Mt 6:18)
Now imagine a Church today filled with such Passion, such zeal that no boat, sea or anything else would stop them from getting to Jesus.

Get out of the boat, and get to Jesus.
Get out of that relationship, and get to Jesus.
Get off those drugs, and get to Jesus.
Get off your butt, and get to Jesus.
Get off the internet, and get to Jesus.
Get off the treadmill, and get to Jesus.
Get out of the office, and get to Jesus.

The list could go on, and it will be different for each of us.
There are different things that hold us back from Him and we've got to identify them and take the plunge.

Back to the topic of Discipleship we were talking in our Series at Church about how the best leaders are also the best followers, and that the WHOLE point of discipleship is to follow.
-after all Disciple means 'pupil of someone' and comes from the Greek word Mathetes which means 'to learn.'
Take a cue from the 'rock' (Peter) on which Jesus intended to Build His Church and...

Get to Jesus. Learn from Jesus. Be shaped into His image. Follow in Jesus' footsteps. Live like Jesus. Love like Jesus. Pursue, Value, Long for, and spend time with Jesus.

Sunday 14/08/11

AM Luke Taylor
This is Love- Hillsong
The Difference- Hillsong
God Is Able- Hillsong
Even Greater- Planetshakers

PM Jess Lefterescu
Shine Your Glory- C3
Undivided- C3
Our God- Chris Tomlin


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sunday 10/07/11

AM- Luke Taylor
Nothing Is Impossible- Planetshakers
You are Good- Bethel Music
I will Exalt You- Bethel Music
Well is My Soul- C3 Oxford Falls

PM-Jess Lefterescu
Your Name High- Hillsong (key of C)
Our God is Love- Hillsong (girls Key)
This Is Our God- Hillsong

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sunday 03/07/2011

AM- Luke Taylor

Light Will Shine- Hillsong United
Now I'm Free- Planetshakers
Greatness of Our God- Sonic Society
I will Exalt You Lord- Bethel Music

PM- Jess Lefterescu
There's Freedom- Planetshakers
Light Will Shine- Hillsong United
Awakening- Chris Tomlin

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

In the Image of...

I haven't blogged for quite some time other than posting set lists for our Sunday services, so it's been sitting on my list of things to do for awhile and finally I find myself by the computer with something to say.

Speaking on the topic of idol worship Psalms says this:

Ps 135:16-18
'They have mouths, but cannot speak,
eyes, but cannot see.
They have ears, but cannot hear,
nor is there breath in their mouths.
Those who make them will be like them,
and so will all who trust in them."

Scripture points to the stupidity of worshiping a man-made idol over the Sovereign God.
I mean seriously, after viewing all the wonders of God at the Red Sea, manna being provided daily, fire by night and clouds by day, not to mentions other countless miracles God performed for the Israelites you can forgive the author for sounding slightly short in this verse, because surely they knew the supreme power of Yahweh over some created and fashioned statue.

You become like the thing you worship.

This has never been any less or more true for this current age. We become like the things we worship. Granted there are not a thousand other 'statue gods' vying for our attention, but there are countless other distractions which have subtly taken the place of formal gods and are just as dangerous and lifeless. 

If you worship Vanity you'll become Hollow
If you worship Platform you'll become a Statue
If you worship Technology you'll become Obsolete
If you worship Status you'll become Irrelevant
If you worship Materialism you'll Decay
If you worship Titles you'll become Stuck
If you worship Pleasure you'll become Dissatisfied
If you worship Approval you'll be Rejected
If you worship Recognition you'll become Anonymous
If you worship Power you'll become Flat
If you worship Ministry you'll be Overextended
If you worship Opportunities you'll Burn-out
If you worship Knowledge you'll become Unapproachable
If you worship GOD you'll become Alive.
God is to be worshiped, and worshiped only.
Every other man made thing will decay, expire and lead to death. God, the source of Life, offers the key to Life as we conform our image to His.  
You are being made into an image, who's?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

05/06/2011 Sunday Set list

AM- Luke
Nothing is Impossible- Planetshakers
Run- Hillsong
Jesus Messiah- Chris Tomlin
You hold me Now- Hillsong

See you Sunday!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sunday 22/05/11

There has been incredible excitement around the Church with our Current Series on Relationships, I hope they've opened up conversations for you to have with your family and close friends! Our next series throughout June will be on Missions and reaching our World with the Gospel, Can't wait for that one!

This Sunday's Worship set lists look like this:
AM- Luke Taylor
You Are Good- Bethel Music
You- Hillsong
God of the Redeemed- Bethel Music
Glory in the Highest- Chris Tomlin

PM- Jess Lefterescu
Your Name High- Hillsong
God One and Only- Hillsong
God of this City- Chris Tomlin

Can't wait for this weekend, Be praying for new faces and fresh encounters with God!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sunday 08/05/11

AM- Luke

Now I'm Free- Planetshakers
Open My Eyes- Hillsong
Yahweh- Hillsong
Our God- Chris Tomlin

PM- Luke

Go- Hillsong United
Shine Your Glory- C3
Moving Forward- Israel Houghton

Thursday, April 14, 2011


It's on its way!

So basically, I have a list of songs that if all of the members of the band who are playing either Good Friday or Easter Sunday could all have a look, listen to them and practice them in your spare time please (I can't stress that enough!) that would be excellent, as we will be able to run smoothly through them during band prac, should any hiccups arise with sound etc, and the service will run smoothly aswell!

Also, if you weren't there at band prac this week, here is my announcement to say that BAND PRACTICE IS ON THIS WEDNESDAY COMING as well as the next wednesday after that so we can keep our practices on schedule.

The next thing is:
We had to set down our instruments on Wednesday night, due to not knowing whether the little theatre people were going to be using the hall or not Thursday night. So rather than having to go in on Sunday morning extra early to set up, we are going to go into the hall on Saturday night at 6:30pm and set everything up, ready for church on Sunday. If you are on and can't make it, let me know and I will arrange for your instrument leads/mic leads/foldback to be set up.

(all keys of songs will be coming very soon, as I wrote this post late at night and didn't have a guitar on hand)

Good Friday morning:
Our God is Love (my key. same key we did last week.)
At the Cross (original key definitely)
You Saw Me -TAG- (probably whatever key "At the Cross" is in)
(after the service maybe) To Know Your Name -TAG- (D)

Easter Sunday morning:
Alive in You (girl key. C maybe?)
For All You've Done (E)
It's Your Love (original key)

Easter Sunday night:
God One and Only
Your Name High (girl key. C I think)
Mighty to Save
The Anthem -TAG- (orignal key)

So, definitely please listen to and practise all of these, as I know I will!
Singers, please learn the lyrics as best you can, I can use all the help I can get in the lyrics department haha, guitarists, please learn as many leads as you can.
Drummers, please get a feel for each song, add your own little bits (as I'm sure you will), take note of the timing if possible.
Brass, when you're listening, if you can't hear a brass intrument in the recording, just be sensitive as to when to come in and when to pull off during the song.

I'm sure that if we all put in our little bit of extra practice in our own time, it will make everything much, much easier for everyone on the day!
If you need any music, let me know and I will do my best to get it sorted :)

I'm so excited, overwhelmed and nervous to have the honour of worship leading on the event of such an important celebration in our church, and I really want to pass that excitement onto all of you aswell, even though it does mean extra work, and discipline, it's all for God's kingdom and glory, so He is going to bless it no matter what happens on the day. But it does make a huge difference to be that little bit more prepared. :)

Just remember: God will only have as much room to move in our worship as we allow Him.So let's give it ALL to Him and watch what He can do in the life of our church.

Love you all immensly, see you tomorrow night at 6:30!
- Jess

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sunday 17th of April set lists

I will also shortly be posting some songs for the Good Friday and Easter Sunday services that I would like everyone to listen to and practice!

AM -
Undivided (B)
You (B)
Hosanna (E)
Here in my life (I'm not sure whether it's in E or B, but it's whatever key is on the origianl music, the key Hillsong play it in)

PM -
Run (B)
Nothing is impossible (D)
The stand (G)

Thanks guys, see you all tomorrow night at band prac!
Love you all!

- Jess

Friday, April 8, 2011

Hi everyone!

So, I didn't get a chance to put last week's songlist up here, so here is tomorrow's list!

AM -
Our God is love (B)
God of ages (G)
The greatness of our God (E)
Forever reign

PM -
Open my eyes
No reason to hide (D)
The wonder of Your love (E)

I will post the keys for "Forever Reign" and "Open My Eyes" later this afternoon, when I have access to a guitar. :)

If you have any problems getting these songs into the new keys, let me know and I'll do my best to print out a couple of copies!
Also just so you guys know, if you look up the songs on ultimateguitar.com, there is an option where you can transpose the key of the song, so you don't have to go through and write it all in! Very helpful!!

Love you all, see you tomorrow at church!


Friday, March 25, 2011

27/03/2011 Set List

Before we leave on a big Jet plane headed for the other side of the world, we have one more service with our Church Family! What an exciting weekend this shall be!

AM- Luke
Now I'm Free- Planetshakers
Open My Eyes- Hillsong
Awakening- Chris Tomlin
Moving Forward- Israel Houghton

PM- Luke
You- Hillsong
Nothing is Impossible- Planetshakers
Glory in the Highest- Chris Tomlin

See you Sunday!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

20/03/11 Set List

AM- Luke
Undivided- C3
Shine Your Glory- C3
Moving Forward- Israel Hougton
Even Greater- Planetshakers

PM- Nikki (Spanish Festival)
Sing, Sing, Sing- Chris Tomlin
Run- Hillsong
This is Our God- Hillsong

Invite someone this weekend!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sunday 13/03/11 set list

AM- Luke Taylor
Nothing is impossible- Planetshakers
There's Freedom- Planetshakers
Jesus Messiah- Chris Tomlin
Glory In the Highest- Chris Tomlin

PM- Jess Lefterescu
Not Ashamed- Hillsong
Our God Is Love- Hillsong
Healer- Planetshakers

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, March 4, 2011

Sunday 06/03/11

Service Set list:

AM- Nikki S
Giving it All Away (Go)- Hillsong United
You- Hillsong
You'll come- Hillsong United
Believe- Hillsong

PM- Jess L
Run (girl key)- Hillsong
You- Hillsong
Greatness of our God- Hillsong
Beautiful Exchange (tag)- Hillsong

See you in Church!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Sunday 25/02/11

AM- Luke
Shine Your Glory- C3
You- Hillsong
Mighty To Save- Hillsong
Glory in the highest- Chris Tomlin

PM- Jess
Undivided- C3 (girls key 'B')
Giving it all away- Hillsong (girls key 'D')
One thing- Hillsong
With Everything- Hillsong (tag)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

20/02/11 Setlist

This week we have two great Guest speakers in the House with us. In the Morning Ps Mark Cavallaro and in the evening Peter Irvine co-founder of Gloria Jeans, be inviting your friends and family to these great services!

AM- Luke

Open my Eyes- Hillsong
Giving it all away- Hillsong
Jesus Messiah- Chris Tomlin
The Stand- Hillsong

PM- Nikki

Your Name High- Hillsong
Our God is Love- Hillsong
This is our God- Hillsong

See you Sunday!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

BOLD Prayers

"PRAY BOLD PRAYERS for your church!  The early church prayed for boldness…we pray for safety.  The early church prayed for people to come to Christ…we pray for sister so & so’s hangnail!  The early church prayed for the church to expand and the Gospel to advance…we pray that we can keep our churches small and safe.  Let’s BEG God for things to happen in our churches that are UNEXPLAINABLE and UNDENIABLE so that HE can receive ALL the glory!"

I took this quote from Ps Perry Nobles blog today. How amazing, true and convicting this is for us today. 
If we want to see God do big things then we must begin to expect that he can do it and so ASK Him to do it!

Your prayers will reveal to others the 'size' of the God you serve. Simply asking for more small debts to be paid, small illnesses to be healed or small relationships to be mended isn't enough. It shows that you only expect God to be able to handle the remedial small tasks. But let me challenge you to begin to ask God for BIG things. Ask him for complete healing, uncountable salvation's, and larger platforms to shout his fame.
I dare you. 
Remember its not about us, our platform or profile. The purpose of praying the BIG prayer is to allow God to move into our situation and do that thing which only He can do, so that only He will receive the Glory.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Prayer for you to Pray.

"Disturb us, Lord, when
We are too well pleased with ourselves,
When our dreams have come true
Because we have dreamed too little,
When we arrived safely
Because we sailed too close to the shore.

Disturb us, Lord, when
With the abundance of things we possess
We have lost our thirst
For the waters of life;
Having fallen in love with life,
We have ceased to dream of eternity
And in our efforts to build a new earth,
We have allowed our vision
Of the new Heaven to dim.

Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly,
To venture on wider seas
Where storms will show your mastery;
Where losing sight of land,
We shall find the stars.

We ask You to push back
The horizons of our hopes;
And to push into the future
In strength, courage, hope, and love."

attributed - Sir Francis Drake -1577

Thursday, February 10, 2011

13/02/11 New Venue!

Hey all, this Sunday is going to be a Stellar day in the life of our Church!
Be praying and come expectant for great things, don't forget to invite your family, friends, neighbors and dog walkers!

The song list for this Sunday is as follows;
Moving Forward- Lakewood
Nothing is impossible- Planetshakers
You- Hillsong
Believe- Hillsong
Awakening- Chris Tomlin

See you all bright and early (8am) for set up and sound check!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, January 31, 2011

Abound in Love

This week leading up to our first GEN night (Youth and Young adults) the team and I have decided to read through the book of Philippians and share our thoughts on what God is saying to us. I just finished the first chapter and really felt this verse stick out to me;
"And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight." 1:9 (find the full chapter here)

Basically it's saying that the more we learn about God, then the more in love we should fall with God and His people. When reading the bible and filling ourselves with its great revelations there is an opportunity for us to disconnect is contents with our actions and behaviors. We can learn so much that we get fed up with the world as it is and instead distance ourselves from it.
Likewise, I've experienced this in life when relating to people. I'm sure you can identify it in your life as well; the more we learn about someone, the more time we spend with them and the more we watch them in action, basically 'doing life' with each other. The more we will have an opportunity to see their flaws, failings and weaknesses.

We must not let this influx of information on a person, especially our Christian family, ruin the love that we have for them. Don't let the weakness or flaws of a friend stop you from growing in love with them.

As Christians our difference shouldn't be that we are perfect, but that we can have an abundance of LOVE for imperfect people.


Friday, January 28, 2011

30.01.11 Set list

Sunday AM
Undivided- C3
Sing Sing Sing- Chris Tomlin
Well is my Soul- C3
Jesus Messiah- Chris Tomlin

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Setlist 16/01/11

Sunday AM: Luke
Nothing is Impossible- Planetshakers
Giving it All Away- Hillsong United
Forever Reign- Sonic Society
Glory in the Highest- Chris Tomlin

Friday, January 7, 2011


Sunday AM: Luke
There's Freedom- Planetshakers
Open My Eyes- Hillsong
Believe- Hillsong
Awakening- Chris Tomlin

Sunday PM: Nikki
I'm Not Ashamed- Hillsong
How Great Thou Art- Traditional
The Greatness of Our God- Hillsong

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Posture (sermon notes)

Some Dictionary meanings for Posture include; the carriage of the body as a whole, and the mental or spiritual attitude.

Our physical posture will always reflect to some degree the posture of our spiritual state. This may manifest itself as an insecure person who constantly looks to the ground, or a confident person who struts into any room commanding respect. Our Posture or body language sends a message to those around us... if a picture paints a thousand words, then our posture is a novel.
Posture will even give someone away as lying, for instance they may say that they are fine, but the posture they assume displays a person hurting or disinterested.

In Chapter 1:27-8 of Ezekiel, we see the prophet standing before the "likeness of the glory of the LORD..." his first instinct, as with many other people who encountered God like this, is to fall to his knees before the Lord and plant his face on the ground showing his submission and worship of his King.

Like Ezekiel, our spiritual posture before God reveals two things about us;


It was clear that Ezekiel intended to worship the Lord by his posture, and that he expected the Lord to speak and reveal visions to him. 
Had he not had either of those intentions of expectations, the situation would have been dramatically different.

So ask you self, what does my posture reveal about my intentions and expectations?
As you live your life what do you Intend to give God and Expect to receive from Him?


Reading through the book of Daniel, we find him faced with a choice in 6:10-14 to adhere to local decrees which would have him only pray to the earthly king ruling at the time or ignore these decrees, risk his life and continue to pray to the True God.
Our intentions will often be challenged by our surrounding situations and we must ask ourselves, how much are we willing to sacrifice in order to worship God?
Daniel was intentional about praying to God, even at the risk of his life. 
Who is number one in your life?
Because the actions you take, and the posture you assume will be a dead give away to who your #1 is.

We need to act upon those intentions which are God honoring so that He may be made known. 


What are you expecting from God this year?
Your expectation of God will be seen in your posture.

Are you ready to receive blessings, insight, wisdom, knowledge, favour, and other privileges from God this year or have you lowered your expectation of what he can do?

Read Ephesians 3:20.
it says that God can do more... MORE.... than we could ever imaging. That means he can and will exceed our expectations.


How BIG is your ask?
Have you stopped asking for those big things becasue you lowered your expectation?
Does your posture before God reveal someone expecting an abundance of blessing and favour or are you closed off and hindering God's move in your life?

Let me encourage you to reposition yourself to be humbly submitted before God, showing him with your Posture that you INTEND to worship him with your whole life, and that you EXPECT him to exceed your greatest dreams.

When was the last time you found yourself on your knees, face to the ground before God?
Maybe its time to get on your knees before the Lord with an intention to worship and increase your expectation of what he will do in your life starting today.
