Welcome to my Blog

Hey Everyone! So with this Blog I want to do a few things; keep you up-to-date on the going on's of GoodNews Church's Worship team and other church related events, post message notes, general thoughts and God inspired thoughts and anything else that effects my life. Please feel free to read and comment at your will. Lk


Thursday, April 14, 2011


It's on its way!

So basically, I have a list of songs that if all of the members of the band who are playing either Good Friday or Easter Sunday could all have a look, listen to them and practice them in your spare time please (I can't stress that enough!) that would be excellent, as we will be able to run smoothly through them during band prac, should any hiccups arise with sound etc, and the service will run smoothly aswell!

Also, if you weren't there at band prac this week, here is my announcement to say that BAND PRACTICE IS ON THIS WEDNESDAY COMING as well as the next wednesday after that so we can keep our practices on schedule.

The next thing is:
We had to set down our instruments on Wednesday night, due to not knowing whether the little theatre people were going to be using the hall or not Thursday night. So rather than having to go in on Sunday morning extra early to set up, we are going to go into the hall on Saturday night at 6:30pm and set everything up, ready for church on Sunday. If you are on and can't make it, let me know and I will arrange for your instrument leads/mic leads/foldback to be set up.

(all keys of songs will be coming very soon, as I wrote this post late at night and didn't have a guitar on hand)

Good Friday morning:
Our God is Love (my key. same key we did last week.)
At the Cross (original key definitely)
You Saw Me -TAG- (probably whatever key "At the Cross" is in)
(after the service maybe) To Know Your Name -TAG- (D)

Easter Sunday morning:
Alive in You (girl key. C maybe?)
For All You've Done (E)
It's Your Love (original key)

Easter Sunday night:
God One and Only
Your Name High (girl key. C I think)
Mighty to Save
The Anthem -TAG- (orignal key)

So, definitely please listen to and practise all of these, as I know I will!
Singers, please learn the lyrics as best you can, I can use all the help I can get in the lyrics department haha, guitarists, please learn as many leads as you can.
Drummers, please get a feel for each song, add your own little bits (as I'm sure you will), take note of the timing if possible.
Brass, when you're listening, if you can't hear a brass intrument in the recording, just be sensitive as to when to come in and when to pull off during the song.

I'm sure that if we all put in our little bit of extra practice in our own time, it will make everything much, much easier for everyone on the day!
If you need any music, let me know and I will do my best to get it sorted :)

I'm so excited, overwhelmed and nervous to have the honour of worship leading on the event of such an important celebration in our church, and I really want to pass that excitement onto all of you aswell, even though it does mean extra work, and discipline, it's all for God's kingdom and glory, so He is going to bless it no matter what happens on the day. But it does make a huge difference to be that little bit more prepared. :)

Just remember: God will only have as much room to move in our worship as we allow Him.So let's give it ALL to Him and watch what He can do in the life of our church.

Love you all immensly, see you tomorrow night at 6:30!
- Jess

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